Monday, January 30, 2012

Southern California Girl, Meet Winter Sports

I’ve never been good at winter sports. I grew up in Los Angeles, the land of sun. Ergo snow was not exactly in plentiful supply unless you got in your car and drove to Big Bear or somewhere like that. The one time I tried a winter sport was when I was about 10 or 11. My parents, my aunt, and my uncle took my brother and I skiing on slopes close to my grandparents’ house in the Berkshires. I went a few times down the bunny slopes, and then decided to try a slightly bigger hill. I was being pulled up the hill on a rope like pulley with polls every few feet, and I wasn’t really paying attention. I ran smack into a poll and nearly knocked myself out, so needless to say I spent the rest of the afternoon in the lodge nursing a goose egg on my head.

Fast-forward 15 years. Over this past MLK weekend I went to visit my grandfather, my uncle, and my cousin in Keene, New Hampshire. They live close to a bunch of different slopes, so for a few hours on what turned out to be the coldest day of the weekend, we decided to try them out. I’ve wanted to try snowboarding for a while, despite my not so great experience as a child, but I’ve never really taken to the time to learn. Lucky for me, my 16-year-old cousin Annika was willing to be my teacher for the day! So after being equipped with a rental board, Annika very patiently spent the next two hours teaching me the basics of snowboarding:

I'm on the left, Annika is on the right. She has no idea what she's getting herself into...

I fell. A lot. My behind felt like a very sore ice cube (if there is such a thing). BUT, by the end of the day I was able to stand up by myself and I had a couple of good runs (down one of the easier hills but I’m not about to be picky):

Getting ready to stand myself up

One of my good runs! Made it more than two feet without falling!

The one thing I never did master was stopping, hence more falling. But I did have a great time trying. It would definitely be something I’d want to try again. Next time though, I think butt pads would definitely be a good investment.


Wednesday, January 30, 2012

Now I can't say that I am extremely wise, but I do agree with the above quote when it comes to experiences. The first month of a new year is drawing to a close, and I've realized that I have been letting the time pass me by the same way it has for the past four years I've been living in New York City. While I've had plenty of experiences during my time here, I haven't really reflected on them. So this year I thought it would be nice to start writing about all the new things I do, see, hear, smell, etc., so I don't forget and let them go by the wayside.

I expressed this desire to my very social media savy uncle, who suggested using a blog as an outlet. That way I could share these experiences with all of my fabulous friends! I've never blogged before, but I always enjoy reading them, so I thought why not! And here I am. And here I will stay as long as you tolerate me.